One cannot walk a straight line
When they are living two lives
Holding the hand of one thing
While thinking of another
Within the thoughts...
Wishing to be
When one is not
Is it fantasy vs. reality?
Are we seriously so naive
To understand that poison
does kill us?
Matthew 6:24
No man can serve two masters. For either he will hate the one, and love the other: or he will sustain the one, and despise the other. You cannot serve God and mammon.
Whether it being money and wealth or
It can be anything we put before God
And the last time I looked in the Bible
And examples of those before us
We were commanded to keep God
In front of all...
We must believe and trust
That God can,
Above all, anyone or anything else...
But holding on to one...
While saying with our mouth
That we love this,
When we cannot let go of another
Brings us to this:
Revelation 3:15-17
15 I know thy works, that thou art neither cold, nor hot. I would thou wert cold, or hot.
16 But because thou art lukewarm, and neither cold, not hot, I will begin to vomit thee out of my mouth.
17 Because thou sayest: I am rich, and made wealthy, and have need of nothing: and knowest not, that thou art wretched, and miserable, and poor, and blind, and naked.
Anything we put before God
Will drag us down
Farther and farther from Him
Until there is nothing left.
So before we take another scoop
Of the enemies flavored lies
Think and choose wisely
Because every digestion
Will destroy our spirit and life.
If we love, then we show it
Not with words... but in actions.
Nothing in this life is as fulfilling
As that which God has for us.
Glory be to God... Amen.
Mark David Grijalva Peres