Thursday, October 26, 2017


Heavenly Family,

Help me to rise
For my body is tired...
Oh, my Father of heaven and earth,
This is Your day...
And I am glad to be living in it...
I am so lost
When I am not in tune with You..
The only way of this being possible
Is through prayer...
Grace me with Your forgiveness
For the unspeakable sin
And cleanse my mind
of things within...
Born a sinner
Washed clean by Your blood
My sweet Yeshua...
Holy Spirit lift us from our
Old ways... for we are
creatures of habit...
But with the intercession
Of our Blessed Mother Mary
I come humbly before You
Oh, amazing Holy Trinity...
Guide us, teach us,
mold us, hold us,
Lift us, strengthen us
And love us on our path
That You Adonai have paved
For us... only You and You alone
Know the answers to the
And Why?
And I thank You for this...
For I trust You alone
With my life and Your destiny
For this life You gave given me.
Today I am thankful
For yesterday is gone
And from there You have
Set me free to live today
As You intended it to be...
My everything
Is who You are.

I love You Lord, Yeshua, Holy Spirit and Blessed Mother...
I never ever want to let You all go...
For it is You all that never let me, my brothers and sisters go.

Bless Your day for us and let us walk in Your light today and everyday there after.

In the name of Father, Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit, Amen.

Your son, servant, warrior and Knight,

Mark Grijalva Peres

God Knows the Heart

Believe the truth
Deny the lies...
Your heart knows
What is real
And what is not...
Even though the heart
Can be deceitful
When it is in tune
It will know
While the mind
May try to logically
Push you away...
Let the truth
Always set you free.

Thoughts Upon Thoughts
Mark Grijalva Peres

Wednesday, October 25, 2017


From the broken pieces
Of shattered dreams
To the reality
Of what has always been
But too blind to see
From the muttered tears
Covering the truth;
Nothing was as it seemed
It is even better now
Than all those dreams
For they were candy coated nightmares...
Claiming to be my reality.
Truth prevails
It finds the way
And will lead you home.

Thoughts Upon Thoughts
Mark Grijalva Peres

Some Will... Some Will Not

Some people will love you...
Some people will reflect
Their self hate on you...
But God's unconditional love
Will never cease for you...
Some people will say you can...
Other people will discourage you
From doing so...
While God knows you can,
Because He has faith in us.
Some people will talk to your face,
Other people will talk behind your back,
But God will speak directly to your heart...
Some people will stand by you
While others run away from you,
As God is the one giving you the strength
To stand up step after step...
Some people will read this...
Others will proceed on,
Without even a glance...
While God inspires me for this
And so much more...
God never stops,
Then why should we...
God bless you all on this Tuesday morning.


Mark David Grijalva Peres

Tuesday, October 24, 2017

Humble Yourself

So small the things
That hold the big picture...
You cannot put the frame
Upon the walls without
Some nails to hold it up
So big we think we are
At times...
When from the moon
That shines at night
Makes visibility for our sight...
We must remember to always be
As humble as can be
Stand hard when needed
And see the beauty in silence...
Anyone can say a million words
But one word can
Change the world...
One action can cause
A movement to better
Our world...
The small things might not
Always be visible
But they hold so much up
And give out so much power.
Never forget... always be thankful...
Always see the beauty in everything,
And always be humble.

Thoughts Upon Thoughts
Mark Grijalva Peres
Copyright ©️MDGP2014

Monday, October 23, 2017

Life is Beautiful

There is no other way to say it
But from the heart... I love you.
It is not a cliché...
Heavens... no, no, no...
If love is heavenly sent
How can we make it a cliché?
So many things we do and say
Day after day become
Just another day...
Some people fall into
The routine... when it isn't;
Especially knowing that
Each day is a gift from above
And life is set for you
To choose from...
Think of the buffet
Will you always try the same thing
Or venture forth
And eat something new...
Each day offers us something new
But many times we are caught up
In the mental captivity of complacency... that we become robotic and words like: Good Morning... Good bye and I love you become a cliché.
There is nothing ever the same
Each day is one less day
Of our life from yesterday...
How can we compare each day?
If you feel this way,
Regroup... pray and revamp your ways.... for life is beautiful each day.

Thoughts Upon Thoughts
Mark Grijalva Peres
Copyright ©️✝️MDGP2014

Saturday, October 21, 2017

Try or Do It Is Up To You

In order to change
We must try...
Hold on... ????
In order to change
We must do
And in doing
We must keep striving
And in striving
We must keep doing!
Let us not limit ourselves
With trying...
If you want to change
I mean, really change...
Then you are beyond trying
And must move to doing
All you can to change
Even if it hurts to the core...
Because if it was all okay,
Then you wouldn't have
Thought and acted upon change.

Thoughts Upon Thoughts
Mark Grijalva Peres

Don't Stop Trying

Ever notice
When you are
Doing all you can
To stop something...
Like a bad habit,
It just rings and rings
Within your mind?
It makes itself
Even more appetizing
Than it did ever before
But you just have to
Say no, no, no and no!
Prayers and respect
To all those who are trying
To break a habit
That has been destroying them.
It is not easy to change
When we are so use to doing
Something our minds and bodies
Have been doing or using
For so long...
It can be done... it can be changed!
You have to get away
From all that leads
Back to what you once did.
Keep your head up...
Eyes focusing...
Heart geared for good...
And watch it change.

Thoughts Upon Thoughts
Mark Grijalva Peres

Feeling It

To feel
Is to know
That one
Is still alive...
Even if one feels
As they are living dead...
The process of thoughts
Sent by your body
Are the feelings
That make you part
Of the living world around you.
Another words...
Until there in no breath
Then there is no life.
Life is full of feelings
And many times
Our emotions
Get the best of us,
Leaving us high as the sky
With cheer and satisfaction
Or enraged and saddened...
Filled with disbelief.
We cannot not blame another
For our feelings of joy
Or for our feelings of sorrow...
Just as we choose our choices
On what we will eat from the menu
Of our favorite restaurant...
So it is with the menu
Of feelings within our life...
Yet we are prone to blame another
Shame another...
And victimize our very own self.
If we were just as proactive to see
What was really there in front of us
So many would make different paths
Or would they?
Who can truly explain the feelings
We spiral through?
Regardless of this or that...
You are alive
You are not dead...
Numb at times,
But by choice...
With choice not to
Feel what makes our feelings,
Our emotions twirl into grief...
Which through experience
Leads closer to death
Than the gift of life given to live.

Thoughts Upon Thoughts
Mark Grijalva Peres

Friday, October 20, 2017

Would You?

Given the chance
Would you take it?
Holding on to hope
By grasping our Lords hand
Through prayer and devotions
Open the voice
Within your heart
As it cries out
To Yeshua whose body and blood
Bring us closer to Him
Each and every time.
Attending Mass
To accept the fullness
Of His will upon your life
Hear the voice
That calls your name
Listen closely
Without no shame
Regardless of those
That may defame
We are His
If we will only take
The chance given
To truly start living
The way He designed
Our perfection.

Mark David Grijalva Peres


I am at lost for words
As some say...
Words are for the birds...
But words are my friends
They combine the time
Into shape for my thoughts
To comprehend
What bents and burns
This life has churned
Time after time...
Some say I believe lies
Some say I am dumb to cry
They say where I am wrong
And they try to tell me to turn right...
Their right may fit fine
At their current time
Convienently true
But I am shooting for long term...
Like "eternity."
Only God knows what comes next
Only God knows my heart of hearts
Only God loves me
As I need to be loved
From birth to now...
For this I am thankful...
I am thankful for those
Who have told me to my face
That I am not right
Through the eyes they see life with
But I strive daily to see,
Not with mine own eyes
But those of my Saviour Christ Jesus...
A task for a lifetime... no joke.
But with His example, His guidance
And His love for me...
I know I will be ok...
Regardless of what you may think...
Regardless of my past
Regardless of what you might feel.

Thank you Lord God
Praise be to You, Lord Yeshua
Come Holy Spirit
Blessed Mother Mary embraces me
Saints in heaven pray for me
Family and friends who care...
Pray for me... as I pray for you always.


Mark David Grijalva Peres

Thursday, October 19, 2017

When You Pray...

Pray without ceasing.     1 Thessalonians 5:17

If you could pray
Pray for that one thing
That would revolutionize
The life lived within
This God less and less of God society,
What would it be?
What words would you combine
With your heart on your sleeve
To offer up unto our God...
God is good... All the time...
Our God is awesome...
God rules...
But what would You ask for,
After thanks and praises...
After lifting up the needs of others...
What would you ask in prayer?
So many wise people have spoken
And it is what I ask for,
Within King David's Psalm 51...
Prayed daily, prayed faithfully...
🎵Create in me a clean heart, oh Lord...
And renew a right spirit within me... 🎶
It begins with changing
The dead man or woman
We carry upon the flesh,
To allow the new man or woman
To rise daily and become
Become the beacons of hope
The light within the darkness
For others to see
God within
For them to find.
When we pray,
What is it that we are asking for?
If we want change,
Let us pray for the change
To start within.
God bless us each
And may He hear our prayers.

Mark David Grijalva Peres

Tuesday, October 17, 2017

How Deep is Your Faith?

The love of God flows
For us all to embrace,
Not to take for granted...
The Bee Gees sang...
🎶How deep is your love...🎵
I ask you all...
How deep is your faith?
There is no race
But one step after the next
On this lonely road of faith...
Because we can all dance
Up and down the isles,
Lifting our hands, shouting loudly...
Or kneel down
To intake our Blessed Saviours Body
To drink of His blood,
Yet, alone is the truest walk
Within our Christian Faith...
As Christ wept blood in the garden
Alone He was... Or was He?
God never leaves us alone
Within the path Yeshua paved
For us to pace upon...
The Holy Spirit within us,
Our Blessed Mother Mary's
Intercessional prayers, as the Saints
Never cease to cheer us with prayers as well...
We are not alone in the dark moments
His angel have charge over us,
But the question remains...
How deep is your faith?
Does it simply frost the cake?
Or is it the complete whole cake?
God is in it for us completely,
Are you?

Mark David Grijalva Peres


Today is not just the beginning
of a brand new day...
But the opportunity to be thankful
For all the past days...
Good or challenging
They have led to today...
Embrace today as a chance
to live differently
Than you did yesterday...
Enjoy each breath
Knowing that God gifted this
To you in order for you
to praise His name...
There are rules
There are guidelines
But to worshipping
And being thankful unto God
There are no limits...
For His love for us had no limits
For His love has no limits for us...
Either way... God has never stopped
And He never will stop loving us...
He made us to His perfection
Embrace this perfection
With each and every thankful breath.
Today is not just another day,
Change your life from all sorrow
Change your life from all addictions
Change your life from all lies believed
Change your life from all scrupulous ways
By trusting God with all your days
From now until that glorious day
When we are blessed to dance, praise and worship
In His holiness.
Happy Monday to all
Blessed be God today and always.


Mark David Grijalva Peres

Monday, October 16, 2017

The Feelings Towards Buried Thoughts...

The Feelings Towards Buried Thoughts...

Today we stand before thee
Those thoughts birthed
To live and strive...
Thoughts now buried alive
Grasping for air...
But avoiding strife
Upon those... upon them
Who live brain dead...
The mechanical movements;
Fill in the bubbles...
Walk in a straight line...
Shut your mouth and listen...
Dim your light low... it is too bright!

And alone
Within an overpopulated world
We walk amongst the blood
And bodies of those
Who couldn't carry on,
Falling upon the ground
Right before our eyes
As the vultures  feast
Upon the remains

We live in a time
Where a thought
Is covered by dirt,
The dirt of others,
Covering originality
And true creativity.

How is this so?
If we were created
With individuality
And freedom of choice
Shout... scream... dream... think... love... breathe... seed... feed... vote... live... fill in your blanks... __________.
And above all give thanks...
For what is now
Can change in less
Than a second.

Go get your shovels
And dig up your buried thoughts
Live as you were meant to
And not as a fallen society
Protest to live...
Within the hands of greed and vanity... things that never last
But stand firm
On the the unshaken grounds
Touched by the Masters plan
And let the thoughts flow
While creating change
For the benefits of others
And yourself.

Tear it up...
Rip it up...
Burn it crisp...
That obituary for your thoughts
And let life grow within you
Not around you.

Thoughts Upon Thoughts
Mark Grijalva Peres

Sunday, October 15, 2017

We Cannot Hide

Parents... They bore you, you did not bore them. No matter how smart we may think we are... They have the upper hand. So adolescent youth... teenagers... Think about before doing it. And guess what... We tend to act this way way God too... Look at Adam and Eve... When they hide from God after sinning... Some of us still try to hide it... Other could care less like rebellious youth.. Perhaps we can hide it from others, but we can never hide it  from God. He created us, He knows us. So let us all think before we think and act. All us could benefit from prayer. It keeps us from doing sinful acts and humbles us from thinking we know it all. Just as our parents are trying to kero us from danger, Yeshua us trying to keep us from eternal damnation. Lord hear our prayers as some us struggle with secret sins, our faith, praying, Bible devotion, attending Mass, or living as He created us to live. God knows our hearts. Amen.

If We Could Just Give it to God

Not everyone will,
Even the ones
That say they do
Will understand
The complexity
Of the human mind
The other one carries
So the battle to be heard
The battle to be understood
Is the ongoing talk
Between both parties...
And if one doesn't get it
Then the other one is wrong...
And if the wrong one
Attempts to explain
A world of shame
Showers by the other brain.
Alice Deejay sang:
Better off alone...
Is it so... when the heart
Claims love, love, love
And the mind screams out
Have a cup of shut the heck up...
And the cycle keeps turning
Until its tire pops
And all the possibilities possible
Are thrown on the table.
Who really needs this?
Is the question...
I look around and see
That many do...
Until the cure for many diseases
Comes to past...
Then too shall this communicative
Disease be cured too.

Thoughts Upon Thoughts
Mark Grijalva Peres

Friday, October 13, 2017

Just Let It...

Let it be
The sun is up
The day has started
Let it be
Let it go
Let life flow...

Thoughts Upon Thoughts
Mark Grijalva Peres

We are All God's Children

We all come from
Different origins...
Some very similar
Others are world's apart
But we are created to thrive
Not drive one another away...
We are more than any lie
Greater than our minds
Can truly conceive...
Let us stop the bickering
The fighting and the sorrow...
Thrive my family... my friends... dear world... and embrace indifferences
using all we are and all we have
For a better tomorrow.

Thoughts Upon Thoughts
Mark Grijalva Peres

Wednesday, October 11, 2017

Just Blessed, Accept it

By chance? There is no chance...
There is no luck?
It was meant to be...
Says who?
The old wise owl
From the Tootsie Pop commercial?
You just got to eat your way to the center of it all...
Or in this case... work your way towards your goals...
Not all were meant
To have have the winning numbers
So lucky you? By chance it was so...
Nah... just meant to be;
But work your way
To meeting your goals...
Silver spoons?
Took sweat from another;
Nothing is ever for free.
Even those super good shopping deals...
There were thoughts, sweat and some tears.
Nothing is by chance...
Nothing is by luck...
But then again
Who am I?
Some guy that could
have already died...
Not just once, twice, trice...
Do I consider it chance...
Do I consider it luck?
Nah... just meant to be,
That I am still breathing...
But tomorrow? Who knows...
Putting the dice down
Not gambling any seconds away...
Eyes focused up
And doing all I can
To walk up and straight.

Thoughts Upon Thoughts
Mark Grijalva Peres

Monday, October 9, 2017

Be Kind... Don't Rewind.

There might not be too much to say
but there is alot to think about
for the mind does not really rest
even when you are alseep
your brian is busy dreaming...
be kind to your mind
dont ever press rewind
on things that do not matter...
live with happy thoughts
and carry on with successful thoughts.

Thoughts Upon Thoughts
Mark Grijalva Peres

Love Never Dies... It Transforms.

Remember when you loved me
For who I was
Not for who you asked me now to be...
It was grand, you admired me
Not the person you planned
I would become...
So you wonder why I am done
Done waiting for a dream
That I had to wake up from
To begin understanding
That love is simply an exchange
From your views
Against mine...
I was too selfish for others
to accept who I was...
I am always thankful
Never hateful
Regardless of how it may seem...
I wish you the best,
For you deserve more
Than you ever wanted me to be...
I am me, I am happy to be me...
Nothing less, growing day by day
On my multiple own terms, not yours.
Don't know if I will ever love again...
But I do know,
I am letting my life begin.

Inspired by a talk I had with a friend...

Mark David Grijalva Peres

Sunday, October 8, 2017


Dear God my Father, my everything...

There are words we choose and some we lose to careless ways... there are truly no words to give You all the glory... but actions! I have seen great men do great things in this life time for You and others... but with one slight careless choice... the direction designed is distorted and gone. You do Your part for us... we must do our part too. If You kept Your promises from the Old Testament to the New Testament until now... then we must see our errors... our wickedness and let You truly live within our heart. You are just!

Father, as did Samson rise to do Your will; slaying the wicked with his bare hands; You were the strength that flowed through him... and with all that he accomplished for Your will, he fell to his feet because of a choice made which broke his bond with You. He suffered the cost of turning his back on You... and in the end... he cried out to You... with a heart of repentance and sincerity... his life for You... and You saw him through.
No matter how hard we swerve from Your will my God... I pray we all find our way back to You and that the actions will not be as drastic as Samson's end for us... but Your will be done. 

Give us... give me the strength of Samson to fight as He did for You... especially with his last might and breath... he destroyed the evil of men with Your touch after His fall.  Help me to rise if I stumble... give me the strength as You did Samson
After his fall to rise and with his life he exclaimed: my life for You.

Let my life be for You, dear God.

Your son, servant, warrior and Knight,

Mark Grijalva Peres

It Will Be... But Be the Real You.

When it is up
It is up...
When it is down
It is down...
Either way
Stand strong
Go forward
Knowing that life
Will take you
To your destination
Be it up
Or be it down..
Choice is yours
Up and down
And all around
Live as best
As you know you can.

Thoughts Upon Thoughts
Mark Grijalva Peres

Saturday, October 7, 2017

Lying to Yourself is No Truth

Ever try fitting into a size smaller
Than the size you actually wear...
Struggling to beat the zipper
Or to beat the button to close the your pant...
As you hold your stomach in
While your face turns purple
From the imprisoned breath
Within your mouth
That keeps your diaphragm in place;
Oh, how uncomfortable!!!
But it fits!!!!
Or does it really???
You may have pulled it off...
But for how long?
How long before the button pops...
The zipper stops zipping
And the pain induced on your
Stomach from the tight fit
Causes health issues?
We can try our best to make it fit,
But if it is not you or your size...
You will eventually be
Overcome and defeated.
Oh, it is just a pair of pants...
A skirt or shirt...
It is just a job, relationship and career...
If your trying to fit with someone that is incompatible with you...
Or in a job you don't like at all...
Or in a course for a career
Your heart is not following...
You will eventually be overcome and defeated...
Do not live to deceive
Or live lies of false hopes...
Be honest with yourself
And you will not need to try
And wear a size that you are not.

Thoughts Upon Thoughts
Mark Grijalva Peres

Blessed Night to All

The day is coming to an end
For some their life has come to an end
And for others it has just began...
Birth and death exchange
Like the sun setting
And the the moon rising...
There is no time or place
When all the transferring will occur
Reassuring that no one is assured
But knowing that your best is
And will always be...
Live to see...
See what is lived...
Feel it... breath it... love it...
Poof... it can all be gone...
All be gone in the blink...
The blink of an eye...
So cherish each breath
Acknowledge the Creator
And live as loved as we are
By Him and those around you...
There is love... it all begins with God.

Good night and blessed dreams.

Mark David Grijalva Peres

God Be Our Center

I want to walk
Hand in hand
With someone
Who has God's hand grasped
And I, God's other hand...
Walking forward...
As God being the center
Of both of us...
Not worried about
What others think...
And if they say something,
Our love through God
Will not be shaken...
Understanding that without God
Nothing is possible
And with God
All is possible...
Time is short
And short is the time
In which we live here
Within the flesh
Within the things of this world
For eternity is my goal
Hoping it will be hers too
Until then... God I give my heart to you...
As I did yesterday...
And plan to forevermore.


Mark David Grijalva Peres

Friday, October 6, 2017

Get Your Mark, Get Set... Let Go.

Letting go
Of all we thought
We really did know
As the truth,
But was a lie...
Is truly a challenge...
Being brought up
In things that were wrong
But accepted in the norm
Is a challenge to rectify
And opposition from others
Including family will occur.
However, if you are truly
In accordance with
What you know is a lie
And wanting to live truth...
The price to pay
May seem rough
But necessary
On your path to happiness.
Never give up on yourself
Never give up on your truth
Never give up on faith
For through all life's
storms and floods...
Hope floats!

Thoughts Upon Thoughts
Mark Grijalva Peres

Prayer to You, Knowing Myself Without You

Father God,

I am so goofy without You. I goof up if I am not focused on You. I let words slip out that make me regret I could ever talk sometimes... the part I dislike is that I mean no harm, but they still hurt another. Please forgive me for being goofy in my speech and actions. I always need Your touch of light upon my darkened mind from time to time. There is nothing I can hide from You, because You see all, You hear all and You feel all that is within my heart. I want to please You always and I reach out my hands to You, realizing more than ever... I need Your words to speak from my mouth, I need Your hands to move that which You need me to move, I need Your feet, to walk the path You made for me... I need Your heart to love everyone, including myself... I am worthy of Your love and Your will in my life, regardless of yesterday... for today is here and tomorrow is waiting for me. Only You and You alone know everything... for this I continue to ask You grant me serenity, patience, understanding, guidance and love to never fall away from Your presence. I may fall short of Your glory upon my life... but just as Your angels protected my Saviour, Your Son, Yeshua... I ask that same protection fall upon myself. I need Your touch upon my mind... I need Your agape love to feel my heart.. I need Your strength to battle my thoughts and carry on... I need Your light always to shine through my darkest of days.


Your son,
Mark David Grijalva Peres

Prayer of Love to You

Thank You Lord for giving me this love... let me never fail her... my family or friends... let this love You give be pure in my heart and into her life, as You know I see her as my wife... but I pray for the day to look at my hand with wedding ring and into her eyes and call her my beloved bride, as I want to be part of the bride for Yeshua... to my four children who acknowledge me even though I may not be the best father... or be their biological father... let me be a guide at some point, their fortress and strength... and to my family and friends; some near others far away... I pray for us all to be who God made us to be... some we still talk... others due to time and beliefs have torn us apart, but I consider you all brothers and sisters through the blood of Christ Jesus... be it we be blood related or not be blood related, we are who we are to one another... that is why I humbly repeat what this quote from the picture below states, but edited:

God's Agape Love for us never fails
Peoples version of love based on their upbringing, painful experiences, wrong motives, and religious beliefs tend to fail one another through their definition of love.

Let us let God's truth be the center of our love for one another and let go of senseless stigmas of what love is and what love is not.

God loves me!
God loves you!
God loves us all!

Mark David Grijalva Peres

Thursday, October 5, 2017

Awakening in Prayer

Dearest Yeshua,

You came to give us salvation through a stronger faith, undying hope and everlasting love... but many of us walk around like zombies, lost with out these tools for a better life. Some of us do have faith, hope and love in the things that only last for a season... leaving us like a drug addicted lost brother or sister, wanting more and more to finding nothing to truly satisfy the soul. But with our faith, hope and love in our Father God, in You and the Holy Spirit, we can live freely and unafraid of tomorrow because You will be our Shepherd. You make the impossible, very possible. You have shown me, taught me and filled me with faith, hope and love; strengthen me to never ever let go of Your hand, for You never let go, we as humans let go.

I petition prayers for those who are faithless, hopeless and loveless... let them see who You really are with not their eyes, but with their hearts. Let their souls be replenished from all of sins deceit. I pray for both predators and victims, we all need Your touch in the same way. We all fall short of the glory of God.

We are all Your children Father God, let us never carry the spirit of Cain in our hearts, but the spirit of Able. Fill us all with faith in You, hope in You and to be in love with You. Yeshua, give us the spirit of humility and teach us to be obedient as You are both.

My faith, hope and love is in You, Holy Trinity,

Mark Grijalva Peres

Wednesday, October 4, 2017

A Prayer for Today, Written in the Yesterday

My God who has been called by many names, as to me... I call You my breath, my thoughts and my life,

I come to You with a thankful and humble heart through prayer and with petitions for my love, my children, family, friends and those brothers and sisters I have never met, yet connected through Your will for us. I ask that Your Holy hands bring healing to the broken hearted, poor in spirit and those with afflicted bodies. You are the beginning and the End... no man or woman can escape this life without serving You or the enemy; for if we choose You and follow Your ways... we will inherit eternal life and if not we are serving the enemy which leads to hades. Brothers and Sisters let us be united in prayer from here throughout our world; praying for one another... regardless of color, ethnicity, language and order within our Mother Church. We are all in this together and will have to choose. I pray we all choose You before anything that the enemy tempts us with: vanity, false hopes and sins of the heart. Let us clutch our hands together, get on our knees and fight the spiritual warfare like You intended it to be be Father. Let our prayers be heard and touch our hearts and strengthen us through the path You have destined us to be upon. There are bigger things going on all around us and teach us to be the light within a darkened world.

Thank You God for choosing us to do Your will, wake up dear lost brothers and sisters... time is precious and limited to one day after the next. Let us rejoice with each of our very own breaths... each day is gift... let us not take one minute for granted.

God bless Your people. Amen

Your son, servant, warrior and Knight,

Mark Grijalva Peres

Take It... Own It... Live Happy!

We can go around
Blaming everyone
Or wise up
And move on!
Being proactive 
Is key to living
A smoother and better life;
Not a perfect life,
But a life worth living.
I see it ever time
In the lives of many children,
They lack in their responsibilities
And “poof!"
The fingers start pointing
At everyone
But themselves...
Sad thing is this...
So many children
Become adults like us
And still carry
The same behaviors...
Blaming everything
And blaming everyone...
Never taking responsibility
For their own actions, responses
Or behaviors...
Oblivious, clueless or careless?
Regardless, it all begins now.

Thoughts Upon Thoughts
Mark Grijalva Peres

Good Morning Thought to Us All

Today is here

Tomorrow it will be but a memory

Let the memories live

Bringing delight

Enjoy today,

For it will not last,

But some hours…

While tomorrow waits

To give us more…

More memories to store

More breath to breath

And joyous momnets to share.

Have a great day today

to enjoy it within the days to come.

Mark David Grijalva Peres

Tuesday, October 3, 2017

Live Life As God Intended

So much love within
this beautiful world of ours...
and yet we see so much war...
so much pain...
what are we thinking,
choosing death over life?
who told us it was ok
to take, instead of giving
to make war, instead of peace?
the life we live
is based on choice
let us think before we act
and let us live life
as it was intended to be lived.

Thoughts Upon Thoughts
Mark Grijalva Peres
Copyright ©️MDGP2014


Where are you?
Seriously... where are you?
Here and there... everywhere?
You can't be here
If you are there...
You can't live this
If you choose that
Who are you?
If you claim to be this
You cannot be that...
Ask yourself who?
And why?
The answers will flow
By being truthful
And life will flow
If you let it be!

Thoughts Upon Thoughts
Mark Grijalva Peres

Good Morning

Glory be to God on this fine day....
Good Morning heavenly Father,
Good Morning dearest Yeshua,
Good Morning Holy Spirit,
Good Morning Blessed Mother,
Good Morning to all the Saints,
Good Morning Saints in the making,
Good Morning Blessed Pope,
Good Morning Cardinals, Bishops, Priests, Nuns and Deacons...
Good Morning brothers and sisters,
Good Morning family and friends,
To those that don't know me or don't like me,
Good Morning to you all indeed...
Good Morning to those I have sinned against,
I ask God for forgiveness, and to you I ask
For forgiveness too...
The morning is good... the day belongs to God
And a gift to all of us...
Thank You Heavenly Father,
For Your gift of life to us, them and me.


Mark David Grijalva Peres

Monday, October 2, 2017

A Past Prayer Some Years Back

Dear Lord,

All throughout history we can read about men and women who were persecuted for believing in You and carrying out your will. Your children have been persecuted and killed to this day... many question You and wonder how You would allow such evil to exist... I have not the answers; I have questioned You bat several points in my walk with You and am always humbled when I look upon the cross. Only You know why? The human eye cannot see what You see... as does our human mind not conceive what you have in our destinies. We are called to love You with all our heart and love one another here on earth. The actions of our Cain brothers and sisters will not go unseen and the humble servant hearts of like Able will be rewarded. For as Saint Francis of Assisi prayed: “It is in dying that we are born to eternal life." Only You know when and how we will leave this earth to meet You... may it be doing Your will and not our own. Yes, we as Christians will be mocked, ridiculed, hated and even killed for our faith in God; but remember it is not us they hurt, but God in us. We must never stop praying for one another and loving one another; seeking God for His will in our life and until the day He calls us home, I this prayer of St. Francis of Assisi for us all:

Lord, make me an instrument of your peace,
Where there is hatred, let me sow love;
where there is injury, pardon;
where there is doubt, faith;
where there is despair, hope;
where there is darkness, light;
where there is sadness, joy;

O Divine Master, grant that I may not so much seek to be consoled as to console;
to be understood as to understand;
to be loved as to love.

For it is in giving that we receive;
it is in pardoning that we are pardoned;
and it is in dying that we are born to eternal life.


Thank You Lord God for Your strength and wisdom in us. Please bring justice and protection. Your will be done! And thank you St. Francis for this beautiful prayer you left for us all as I pray it daily.


Your son, servant, warrior and Knight,

Mark Grijalva Peres

Keep Looking Up 2 God

Looking up
might get your head weary...
But looking down  will always
Lead to the ground...
We must aspire
To reach higher
And never listen
To the liar
That pushes us away
From the truth...
We were made to shine
And carry onward...
Look up all the time
And live a life worth living.

Thoughts Upon Thoughts
Mark Grijalva Peres

He Will Be Your Glue

The shattering sound 
Of your own heart
Like dishes on the kitchen floor
Cause the life lived to halt
No matter how strong one is...
Each piece right before your eyes
All over the place...
While people watch,
Some try to pick up the pieces
Others laugh as you squander
Endlessly on the floor
Carefully trying to pick up
Each and every little piece...
Some people spend their whole life
Looking for their pieces
Hoping someone will come
Come to their rescue and heal them...
But if we could only pick ourselves
From off the floor and see Yeshua
Standing right next to us...
We would see how he is holding your heart
In His loving arms...
A new heart as white as pure snow...
No more squandering on the floor
Waiting for someone to save you
From the pain endured...
Stand up and accept your new heart
Letting go of the shattered pieces
That you hold so dear
While they cut through your hands...
Bleeding without cease...
Yeshua lived, was broken, He died...
He rose  and lives for us to this day.
Let us rise from our pain
Let us rise from our demise
Let us rise and live with His love for us.

Mark David Grijalva Peres
Copyright ©️✝️2016MDGP