Thursday, April 13, 2017


I recall how many gifts my father and mother would give me as a child... oh, the toys I so desired... and many more I didn't... nevertheless, I was so happy... so thankful... and months later no one knew anything about the toy... the excitement... the thrill was over.
Then came my turn with my two princesses... Christmas was filled with gifts for them under the tree; oh the excitement on their face causing me as their dad to be filled with cheer... later seeing the gifts on the floor, broken and neglected.
We do the same with Yahweh, Yeshua and the Holy Spirit... the gifts they give are beyond words... life changing... bringing salvation... deliverance... healing... hope... trust... love... new life more abundantly... we are like children... cheerful... thankful and proud; and months later, some of us squander our gifts from the most Holy Trinity, along with the many gifts of prayers and care from our most blessed Mother Mary and all the saints.
We are God's children indeed, yet not children to the point where we neglect the gifts from Yahweh.. but many tend to behave like many children that don't understand the sacrifice their parents made to purchase such gifts for them.
God paid a gigantic price for the gifts He has given us and has for us... let us understand this and not squander or show such disrespect to Him in thus manner. Cherish them and teach others with not so much the words, but with your life... as Yeshua taught us with His. Our God makes us richer than any billionaire on earth. Let us not confuse Gods riches with the world's riches... Gods riches are forevermore... while the worlds riches eventually perish.

God guide us... enlighten us and bless us all.

Mark David Grijalva Peres

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