Saturday, December 24, 2016

Psalm 91

You who live in the shelter of the Most High, who abide in the shadow of the Almighty, will say to the Lord, “My refuge and my fortress; my God, in whom I trust.” For he will deliver you from the snare of the fowler and from the deadly pestilence; he will cover you with his pinions, and under his wings you will find refuge; his faithfulness is a shield and buckler.

You will not fear the terror of the night, or the arrow that flies by day, or the pestilence that stalks in darkness, or the destruction that wastes at noonday. A thousand may fall at your side, ten thousand at your right hand, but it will not come near you. You will only look with your eyes and see the punishments of the wicked. Because you have made the Lord your refuge, the Most High your dwelling place, no evil shall befall you, no scourge come near your tent.

For he will command his angels concerning you to guard you in all your ways. On their hands they will bear you up, so that you will not dash your foot against a stone. You will tread on the lion and the adder, the young lion and the serpent you will trample under foot.

Those who love me, I will deliver; I will protect those who know my name. When they call to me, I will answer them; I will be with them in trouble, I will rescue them and honor them. With long life I will satisfy them, and show them my salvation.

Thank you Lord God for Your constant love, protection, and guidance.

Friday, December 23, 2016

The Blessing

How are you all doing? Let us rejoice as we are remembering the birth of our Saviour Yeshua within two days. Let us never get wrapped up in society's reasons for the Holidays... but always cherishing the truth that lives to this day. I pray for all throughout the world to be blessed and may God's love fill our hearts. Be kind, be real, be loving, be the things God created us to be.

God bless you all.


Mark David Grijalva Peres

Wednesday, December 21, 2016

Morning Offering

Today I have risen
Before the sun
And I offer up the darkness
Unto the light
Praying for the fruits to be
On glorification of our God.
There is no one greater than You, Elohim...
Protect my loved ones,
Let them praise You
For Your grace is enough
Allow our hearts
To partake in Heavens worship
With Your angels and saints...
Thank You for another day...
Bless our labor... bless our sight...
Bless our thoughts... bless our heartbeats...
Bless each breath we take...
It is all because of You.


Thank You Most Holy Trinity,

Mark David Grijalva Peres

Monday, December 19, 2016

Nothing Taken

Nothing taken...
Just given more
Than we give up
In the name of God...
He gave us more
Than than we can fathom...
Yet we hesitate
And ponder the what if?
If nothing compares to Him
Why do we waste time
Trying to be something
Or do something
We were not called for...
And live!
Live for Him.

Mark David Grijalva Peres

Saturday, December 17, 2016

Loving God...

When we love God, we are targeted by the enemy... because when we truly love God, we follow the teachings of His son Yeshua... all that is against sin... all that goes against the enemy's philosophies... and this begins with love... loving our neighbors... loving our brothers and sisters... loving God more than our materialistic things... breathing in God... the enemy has no need to attack those who are following him... only those that love God, follow His son Yeshua and ate filled by the Holy Spirit.  God does not want division within the saints because of indifferences in thoughts... when we love God, we pray to God and our thoughts are his thoughts, leaving no room for arguments or strife within the body of Yeshua, which is the church. There are people dying in the deception of sin and falling short of the glory of God. Why are we concerned over foolish things... when souls are going to hell for all eternity? Let us be more like Yeshua... He did not come to change the way, but lead us closer to it... wake up brothers and sisters... but your stones down, arms up, prayers louder than the doubts and fears, let out our voices higher and higher with love towards Him, so He can fill us with His overflowing love to give to others. There is enough hate, despair and sadness. All glory be unto God.


Mark David Grijalva Peres

Time Spent...

I look around my world of many and so much beauty... I lose myself in times wondering how so much is lost in seconds. I mean, time, being the most precious of all. So many of us lose time in things that matter nothing to another, but we must all find our mitch, regardless of what another thinks. Yet, I ponder the thought if how much love God gives us continuously and so many choose the way of hate, despair, depression, bitterness, bandage and fear. God made us in His image because he loves us. It is the time of the season when so many worry about things upon things to be perfect, purchased and given... when this is the season God gave us the miracle of the Savior through a most Blessed Virgin, later to be given to us by our Savior as our Mother. Instead of using our time to ask for things that will wither, let us give thanks for the gifts already in us... our minds to think... our lungs to breath, our voice to be heard, our blood that rushes through us, our heart that is connected to God within seconds of a prayer... nobody knows all the answers to the Who? The When? The where? The what? The why? Or the how? But God Himself. So when you find yourself wondering what comes next, praise Him for he knows all... don't lose time trying to make everything perfect for everyone else, just love with the heart of God and God will make everything perfect. Let our faith be tested, ridiculed, but never forgotten. We can lead a horse to water, but we can not make the horse drink the water. God loves us all the same, some of us don't know how to love Him back because of programs since birth, philosophies taught and blasphemous jargon swallowed. Let us change our spiritual diets, don't lose time eating unhealthy doctrines... run to the cross, run to the Eucharist, recall your sacraments, and pray for these seasons of celebration to touch the hearts of those who bash, who are confused, who are lost, who feel unloved... God help us help another... one at a time with His hands, with His legs, with His mouth, with His eyes, with His ears, with His wisdom, with His grace, with His mercy, with His sacrificial Lamb: Yeshua, with His Word, with His heart, with all He is, not who we think we are, but what He knows we are. Let us not waste precious time throwing the pearls to the swine, but pray for hearts to change, minds to understand, lives to be redirected, and God to be glorified through the blood of Yeshua and the presence of Our Holy Spirit which was gifted to us when Yeshua went to Heaven. Let us stop giving our time to endless games or useless chatter... God wants us to look in the mirror and see Him. What are we seeing when we stare at the mirror? What are the words coming from our mouth and fingers saying? Who is the center of our existence? Is it money? Is it the need to be right? Is it hate and pain? Look hard and stop wasting time, time is so precious... many of us will be called by God and few will respond. Let us be the ones who respond and share this wonderful gift of agape love from Above to all that have ears, eyes, feelings, life... let us pray for one another, instead of putting each other down. God is merciful to us, let us be merciful and humble with all our brothers and sisters. Let us leave everything that is a waste of time in the hands of God and make our time on planet earth His.

May God be your everything.


My letter to Yeshua,

Mark David Grijalva Peres

Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Yeshua, teach us to listen.

The other day I went to a restaurant and ordered my meal. I put my food down on my table and realized the server only gave me two napkins; two napkins will not do it for me. So I went back to the counter and asked him for a couple more napkins. He was chatting with his co-workers and hearing my request, he grabbed a plentiful amount and handed them over to me. I kindly said, "This is a whole bunch too much." He responded with sarcasm and said, "Well since you said you needed a lot more napkins, I thought..." I paused and smiled, taking just some of the large quantity hecwas handing me and said thank you. I walked back to my table and thought to myself... this was poor customer service. He went on chatting with his co-workers and laughed and giggled.  As I ate the food, I prayed in my mind:

"Lord Jesus Christ, teach us to listen to our Father God's voice and not just hear. Let us use the senses we were birthed with and not be disrupted by the side chatter and lies today's world feeds us. Amen."

Then I thought to myself of all the times we have communication errors/breakdowns because we don't take the time to listen, just hear. We condition ourselves to hear because that seems acceptable, but not realistic. Too many times we miss God's blessing for our life because we get so caught up with the side chatter as He calls us by name. And when we lose the blessings, we are asking God, "Why do I not ever get blessed?"

I think about all of today's music. I love music, in fact I have my own personal soundtrack that has been accumulated for 41 years. Yet, I have asked myself too many times, am I lying to myself by just hearing the music or listening to it. Honestly,  if we were to listen to many of the lyrics in music we would realize that it totally blocks out the listening process in understanding God's will for our life. The music is great, the beats are amazing, but the lyrics are filled with blasphemy, satanic philosophies, sexual sin and irrelevant topics to keep us away from our faith. What hurts to see is toddlers who can't even speak correctly or have not been taught to pray yet, but are singing the lyrics to sings with explicit language and sexual acts. I don't get it. All I can do is continue praying for our generations to come.

If only we would simply stay still many times and know the voice of God, then perhaps so much of the "why's???" In our life would be answered. I am no one to say anything to anyone when it comes to how to live their life, but what I will say is when I am still, praying, reading His word, listening to praise and worship, positive lyrics, and fellowshiping with Yeshua, my Blessed Mother Mary, the Saints in devotions... I can hear the voice of God... it soothes and assures me that all will be as He planned.

No one is perfect... no one. However, we are all capable of listening, not just hearing.

Dear Yeshua, teach us to listen.


Mark David Grijalva Peres

Chocolate Covered Poison

Vivid imaginations...
Instruments clashing...
Words expressing...
And the whispers within
Dance thoroughly in our heads
Creations by individuals
Playing for the masses
While new generations pick up
Their instruments and play along
Mixing in the new with the past
To bring more and more
Of what we have been hearing
For oh, so long... the music flows
Changing lives... giving some hope
While others lament to the heart breaking ballads
Created by heart felt emotions
While there are devotions
Words of praise and worship
They raise their voices as a whole
To drown out the negative vibes
Created by some that have lost their way...
The tunes never end... the imaginative ways
They never cease to amaze...
Yet we must wonder how and why
So many use such gifts and grace
To disgrace the human race...
Freedom of speech... but what do we teach
While vivid imaginations 
Mix with instruments clashing
And the words expressing 
Cause the whispers in our heads
To dance into places 
We never thought possible,
Yet forbidden... but accepted...
Because the masses say so...
But what do we know?
It's only music... nothing worth looking into
Or perhaps candy coated poison
Mixed with mouth watering chocolate sprinkles...
Slowly drifting many into places
We were not created to indulge in.

Mark David Grijalva Peres

December 1, 2016

Some will envy
Because of the car
You drive...
Same will envy
Because of the job
You have...
Some will envy
Because of the things
You own...
Some will envy
Because of the way
You carry yourself...
Some will envy
You for being you...
Most envy because
Of the lack of love
They have for themselves...
Their talents and gifts...
Their existence as a child of God...
Losing touch with God
And putting their grasp on materialistic things...
Things that will perish...
When we take our eyes off God
And place them on things
Of this world... we lose everything...
But when we focus on God
And see nothing but the cross...
The arms of our Blessed Mother
The dove which flies to guide us
And listen to the prayers prayed
By the Saints before us...
We have no room to envy...
We have no room to lust...
We have no room to lose,
But win with the heart of God.
Let us be the light
So many seek
Within the darkness
Many are lost within
Through the precious blood
Of Jesus Christ.


Mark David Grijalva Peres

December 3, 2016

Dear God,

Nothing seems
As it is...
"Being" many times
Feels so alone
Even though 
I do know
You are there
And everywhere...
My mind wanders
Getting torn up
On barb wired fences
Or trampled by the feet
Of those that say they love
Love what?
What they believe is
And should be?
I recall being told as a kid,
One day I would understand
When I became older...
I am older, approaching 42
And still awaiting the keys
To opening the doors
And understand the Y
To the what? The who? The where? and the When?
Until then... I keep walking
Sometimes in circles
I know huh?
What a waste of time
But I often have said this...
"The blind leading the blind"
No one truly has all the answers
But you 
And as the few dollars in my account read:
"In God We Trust"
Oh,  this I must...
Until I turn to dust once again.
Give me strength, give me guidance
Give me joy, give me love
To walk the line
And not in circles
Of my own self demise...
Thank you God,
My sweet Dearest of all.

Mark David Grijalva Peres

December 6, 2016

The occult is the occult...
It is a real thing...
People are practicing it
People are believing in it
People are being led away
from God because of it...
It is a lie... it is a sin disease...
It is sucking up our youth, our children
Through the media...
It is deceiving many of us
As we pump up the songs
That project it...
We must be aware
Wake up! Wake up! Wake up!
Today is the beginning of the end
Don't bend the rules...
Don't water down the truth
That God gave us from the start...
The occult is a lie
And it wants to kill you
And keep away from the truth.
God hear out prayers...
God help us not fall...
And if we fall, help us rise
From the devils demise.

Mark David Grijalva Peres

A prayer for us to pray:

Denouncing the Occult

Heavenly Father, in the name of your only begotten Son, Jesus Christ, I denounce Satan and all his works, all forms of witchcraft, the use of divination, the practice of sorcery, dealing with mediums, channeling with spirit guides, the Ouija board, astrology, Reiki, hypnosis, automatic writing, horoscopes, numerology, all types of fortune telling, palm readings, levitation, and anything else associated with the occult or Satan. I denounce and forsake my involvement in all of them in the name of Jesus Christ who came in the flesh, and by the power of his cross, his blood and his resurrection, I break their hold over my life.

I confess all these sins before you and ask you to cleanse and forgive me. I forgive myself and ask you Lord Jesus to enter my heart and create in me the kind of person you have intended me to be. I ask you to send forth the gifts of your Holy Spirit to baptize me, just as you baptized your disciples on the day of Pentecost.

I thank you heavenly Father for strengthening my inner spirit with the power of your Holy Spirit, so that Christ may dwell in my heart. Through faith, rooted and grounded in love, may I be able to comprehend with all the saints, the breadth, length, height and depth of Christ’s love which surpasses all understanding.


December 13, 2016

Means: as much or as many as required.
When is enough?
Depends on the individual
And their thresh hold...
I look around and have seen
For many there is no limits...
Limits to the things wanted
Perhaps, not needed... just wanted...
The "want" for something newer
Even though what they have is enough
We live in times
Where we get bored quickly...
Society waves its wand
And the "Me Now " self gratification desire
Flings us into financial destruction...
I recall reading somewhere:

"The more things you own,
The more they own you."   Unknown

When is enough, enough?
Vanity and "need" seems to be a thin line in todays world...

"O ye sons of men, 
how long will you be dull of heart? 
why do you love vanity, 
and seek after lying?"         Psalm 4:3

Remove far from me vanity, and lying words. 
Give me neither beggary, nor riches: 
give me only the necessaries of life:     Proverbs 30:8

There is nothing wrong with having
But will it hurt when Christ Jesus ask you:

Jesus saith to him: If thou wilt be perfect, 
go sell what thou hast, and give to the poor, 
and thou shalt have treasure in heaven: 
and come follow me.  Matthew 19:21

When is enough, enough?

He that spared not even his own Son,
but delivered him up for us all,
how hath he not also, with him,
given us all things?   Romans 8:32

Mark David Grijalva Peres

December 14, 2012

Undoubtedly awful…
What the news can bring
From actions unforeseen
Selfishness roaming with
Unpredictable results
On a fine peaceful morning
Who does this?
I have asked myself
As others shake their heads
The slaying of the innocent
The crushing of so many hearts
I am frozen in time
As so are many others
And the saddest thing of all is
The ones who must live thereafter
Without the touch of their child
And other loved ones
Without the not knowing
What could have been?
Just what if?

In the hands of the unstable
We have lost little souls
And others who have lived longer
My words are limited
While my brain cannot fathom
Or comprehend at all
That which was lost
In the early AM
Of today
Why? Why? Why?
Must the innocent
Have to die!!!
A touch of peace now
To fill up the hearts
Which were emptied
By the hands of the unstable

My prayers and heart go out
To those left behind

By Mark Grijalva Peres

December 14, 2015

Sometimes you just have to let go...
No matter the cost...
No matter the ties
If not everyone dies.
Alone on a path
Filled with such wrath
Droplets gone down
Along the way
But the core
Is still decayed
I am not alone
In feeling this way
But alone
One foot after the other
As I walk away from yesterday
Through today into tomorrow
In a world full of people
Some I know...
Others I have met
While lots I have lost
Because of circumstance
Or beat down romance...
It will all be fine
For my father
Who I lost to death sting
Always said
This too shall pass...
Day after day
It's all I can say
As I lay my head down
In prayers for them and me
And continous thanks to God
While I wait for destiny
Alone, one foot after the next
On this path we call life.

Mark David Grijalva Peres

December 10, 2016

There are times we don’t have the means
To do that which we want
Or even that which we need
This does not make us any less
But hungrier than others
Hungry to grow
Hungry to know
Hungry to succeed
Which if not careful
Can lead to ways
That satisfy the quick fixes
But not the overall long term life
Leaving strife and sorrow
In which one will not be able to borrow
Even an ounce of peace or joy
Instead constant bickering of the soul...
Success is not a bad thing
Being hungry tells us we need to eat
But what entwines us to the negative side
Are the lies of greed
The lies of pride
The lies of self demise...
We all want, we all desire, we all need...
We all have those times 
When we don’t have the means
To that which is necessary in today's society...
But worry not, for God is never far...
He is waiting to hear from you
To supply all your needs...
Which reminds me of a song I grew up listening to:

"Jehovah Jireh
My provider
His grace is sufficient
For me, for me, for me

Jehovah Jireh
My provider
His grace is sufficient
For me

My God shall supply all my needs
According to His riches in glory
He will give His angels
Charge over me

Jehovah Jireh cares for me, for me, for me
Jehovah Jireh cares for me" 
Written by Merla Watson

May God Bless your day
As we continue striving to be more like Christ Jesus 
And less Like the world.

Mark David Grijlava Peres

December 3, 2016

Nothing quenches your thirst
Like the living water
That flows from the heavens
Into your soul...
There is nothing greater
Than grasping the hand of God
As you walk down the road of life...
How can anyone ever imagine
Taking another breath
And not being thankful
To God which made
Your mouth to drink
Your mind to think
Your hand to grasp
Your lungs to process
Continuous flow
Day after day...
There is no greater love
But the love created from above
And into your heart.

Happy Saturday to each of you
that are reading this...
Be thankful for this gift
The gift of sight.


Mark David Grijalva Peres

November 25, 2016

We want change
But will we change...
The ways we cause destruction
To our own souls
And those around us...
We demand..
But do we lend a hand
To lift a brother or sister in need
Or feed the ones dying of hunger...
Souls are thirsty for love
This world is craving God's grace
But turn their face to His light
From living in the dark
For way too long...
We say we want change...
It will not happen
As we sit in our pews
But strengthen us to go out
Into the world that seeks change
But knows no other way
Only to continue doing
The same old thing over and over again...
Like a mouse in a wheel...
There is no deal for change...
It is free...
As believers of His truth...
We have nothing to lose
In praying and doing
All we can to lead lives
That lead others to the cross.
Jesus Christ  bled his way to the cross,
Dying upon it... follow the blood trail.
Our Blessed Mother Mary did it, does it...
Leading souls to her son...
There are the Saints who lived and died
To lead souls to Christ...
And there is you and I...
Will we deny ourselves of spreading
God's love to the lost
By staying quiet
While so many keep spinning
In circles on the wheel of sin...
It's a choice to receive the Sacraments...
It's a choice to follow Jesus Christ...
It's a choice to pray and show God's love
To a lost and dying world.

What will you do?

Mark David Grijalva Peres

Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Our Blessed Mother Mary

To say that our Blessed Mother Mary is not who Jesus Christ said she is... is heartbreaking. I wonder if you were the chosen one by God to birth His Son... being the so pure... living to birth Him after being hunted to have Jesus Christ killed, to caring for Him, to watching Him go about His Father's business, to watch Him die a gruesome death, to watch Him rise again... and have people not acknowledge you... say that you are nothing... wow. The ignorance I once believed... the miracle I came to experience and the embrace of her love so refreshing... none will know until they experience.. until then those that speak against Jesus Christ truth about her, they continue their celebration of ignorance. Lord hear our prayers, Blessed Mother Mary continue leading souls to your son, our Lord Jesus Christ who reigns forevermore. Amen.

John 19:25-30

25 Now there stood by the cross of Jesus, his mother, and his mother's sister, Mary of Cleophas, and Mary Magdalen.
26 When Jesus therefore had seen his mother and the disciple standing whom he loved, he saith to his mother: Woman, behold thy son.
27 After that, he saith to the disciple: Behold thy mother. And from that hour, the disciple took her to his own.
28 Afterwards, Jesus knowing that all things were now accomplished, that the scripture might be fulfilled, said: I thirst.
29 Now there was a vessel set there full of vinegar. And they, putting a sponge full of vinegar and hyssop, put it to his mouth.
30 Jesus therefore, when he had taken the vinegar, said: It is consummated. And bowing his head, he gave up the ghost.

A Prayer of Thankfulness

There is no me
If there is no You Lord...
You created the truth
And so it is...
Your truth set me free...
In Your truth...
I have experienced Your forgiveness
I have experienced Your mercy
I have experienced Your grace
I have experienced Your guidance
I have experienced Your salvation
I have experienced Your agape love
I have experienced Your promises
I have experienced Your healing
I have experienced Your miracles
I have experienced Your blessings
I have experienced Your gifts
Through the blood of Your Son
Our Lord Jesus Christ
Through the amazing presence
Of Your Holy Spirit
Through the  intercesions of
Our Blessed Mother Mary
And those of the Saints...
Let me be as You want me to be
Never letting lies replace
The Truth, which is You.
I love You and worship You.


Your Son,
Mark David Grijalva Peres

Tuesday, December 6, 2016

Life As We Know It

No one is exempt
From knowing life
From their own point of view
Based on the world
They were birthed into...
Some will run
From that which rooted
Their existence,
But will always fall face first
On the ground... looking...
Straight into the eyes
Of their Father,
Of their Mother,
Of their Guardian,
From off that shiny...
From off that dirty...
It cannot be ignored
And will never flee,
But you can tame
The blame game...
You can change
the outcome...
You can live
The unimaginable...
That they didn't choose,
But tend to give chatter
Within your thoughts...
Whispering the bad,
Whispering the good,
Reminding you of sad,
Reminding you of joy,
Pick and choose...
You lose, you lose...
You win, you win...
And the keys are in your hand
Placed by the One
Who created all in all...
He knows your story of glory...
He knows your tragic events...
He has seen your past
And has forgiven those before you
Those within your life now
And those to come...
Will you forgive?
Will you let go?
Will you live freely?
And let Him heal
Your broken toe...
Your fractured arm...
Your torn meniscus...
Your pained back...
Your shattered dreams...
Your crushed heart...
Your vexed spirit...
Can you hear it?
He calls with love...
He knows you by name...
He knows your potential...
He knows your fears...
He dries your tears...
And He will rise you up
As He did His son
Making you walk straight again
And never again allowing
Lies from the past
Lies from the present
And those to come
To stop you from reaching
Your life plan
He routed for you...
But will you take Him
By His hand and trust Him...
It is true...
We are who we are...
But He knows who you
Can truly be.

Thank You Lord Jesus Christ...
Take this and more...
Give us that which we need.

Mark David Grijalva Peres
My Letters to Jesus