Saturday, December 17, 2016

Time Spent...

I look around my world of many and so much beauty... I lose myself in times wondering how so much is lost in seconds. I mean, time, being the most precious of all. So many of us lose time in things that matter nothing to another, but we must all find our mitch, regardless of what another thinks. Yet, I ponder the thought if how much love God gives us continuously and so many choose the way of hate, despair, depression, bitterness, bandage and fear. God made us in His image because he loves us. It is the time of the season when so many worry about things upon things to be perfect, purchased and given... when this is the season God gave us the miracle of the Savior through a most Blessed Virgin, later to be given to us by our Savior as our Mother. Instead of using our time to ask for things that will wither, let us give thanks for the gifts already in us... our minds to think... our lungs to breath, our voice to be heard, our blood that rushes through us, our heart that is connected to God within seconds of a prayer... nobody knows all the answers to the Who? The When? The where? The what? The why? Or the how? But God Himself. So when you find yourself wondering what comes next, praise Him for he knows all... don't lose time trying to make everything perfect for everyone else, just love with the heart of God and God will make everything perfect. Let our faith be tested, ridiculed, but never forgotten. We can lead a horse to water, but we can not make the horse drink the water. God loves us all the same, some of us don't know how to love Him back because of programs since birth, philosophies taught and blasphemous jargon swallowed. Let us change our spiritual diets, don't lose time eating unhealthy doctrines... run to the cross, run to the Eucharist, recall your sacraments, and pray for these seasons of celebration to touch the hearts of those who bash, who are confused, who are lost, who feel unloved... God help us help another... one at a time with His hands, with His legs, with His mouth, with His eyes, with His ears, with His wisdom, with His grace, with His mercy, with His sacrificial Lamb: Yeshua, with His Word, with His heart, with all He is, not who we think we are, but what He knows we are. Let us not waste precious time throwing the pearls to the swine, but pray for hearts to change, minds to understand, lives to be redirected, and God to be glorified through the blood of Yeshua and the presence of Our Holy Spirit which was gifted to us when Yeshua went to Heaven. Let us stop giving our time to endless games or useless chatter... God wants us to look in the mirror and see Him. What are we seeing when we stare at the mirror? What are the words coming from our mouth and fingers saying? Who is the center of our existence? Is it money? Is it the need to be right? Is it hate and pain? Look hard and stop wasting time, time is so precious... many of us will be called by God and few will respond. Let us be the ones who respond and share this wonderful gift of agape love from Above to all that have ears, eyes, feelings, life... let us pray for one another, instead of putting each other down. God is merciful to us, let us be merciful and humble with all our brothers and sisters. Let us leave everything that is a waste of time in the hands of God and make our time on planet earth His.

May God be your everything.


My letter to Yeshua,

Mark David Grijalva Peres

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