Tuesday, December 6, 2016

Life As We Know It

No one is exempt
From knowing life
From their own point of view
Based on the world
They were birthed into...
Some will run
From that which rooted
Their existence,
But will always fall face first
On the ground... looking...
Straight into the eyes
Of their Father,
Of their Mother,
Of their Guardian,
From off that shiny...
From off that dirty...
It cannot be ignored
And will never flee,
But you can tame
The blame game...
You can change
the outcome...
You can live
The unimaginable...
That they didn't choose,
But tend to give chatter
Within your thoughts...
Whispering the bad,
Whispering the good,
Reminding you of sad,
Reminding you of joy,
Pick and choose...
You lose, you lose...
You win, you win...
And the keys are in your hand
Placed by the One
Who created all in all...
He knows your story of glory...
He knows your tragic events...
He has seen your past
And has forgiven those before you
Those within your life now
And those to come...
Will you forgive?
Will you let go?
Will you live freely?
And let Him heal
Your broken toe...
Your fractured arm...
Your torn meniscus...
Your pained back...
Your shattered dreams...
Your crushed heart...
Your vexed spirit...
Can you hear it?
He calls with love...
He knows you by name...
He knows your potential...
He knows your fears...
He dries your tears...
And He will rise you up
As He did His son
Making you walk straight again
And never again allowing
Lies from the past
Lies from the present
And those to come
To stop you from reaching
Your life plan
He routed for you...
But will you take Him
By His hand and trust Him...
It is true...
We are who we are...
But He knows who you
Can truly be.

Thank You Lord Jesus Christ...
Take this and more...
Give us that which we need.

Mark David Grijalva Peres
My Letters to Jesus

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