One day you will be higher than you could ever dream. Alive beyond your means... Nothing will limit you from what you were meant to live... Today is just another step forward towards the place you are heading too... There are battles to be victorious over and there are wishes to be granted. Do not desert your path, for it was tailored especially for you; even tho at times it might be similar to the person next to you, it is not. You were created for this exact moment and the person next yo you was created for the moment they are living. Do not fret over mistakes or failures, they are simply lessons on what not to do anymore. We are human, so be kind to others and yourself. God knew what He was doing from the beginning and what is happening now and what will come tomorrow... Our divine purpose is to keep looking towards the Cross where Yeshua was crucified... There we will find the strength to get through the hardest of wars; we are all soilders in this life, some have battles the strangest of situations, while others have been there to help you out of these situations... Never doubt for a second that we are connected to a big purpose and that purpose is driven by our Father who arts in Heaven... One day we will be there us His presence, celebrating our homecoming with the Saints who fought and lived through the darkest and joyous of times... With the Angels who covered us throughout our earthly journey... With our Blessed Mother Mary who never let us go from her embrace... With the Holy Spirit whom, even though we kicked out of our souls many times because of sin, always came back because of Yahweh's grace... With our Prince, our Shepherd, our Saviour, our Messiah, our Hope, our direction, our Hero, our friend, Yeshua... And our Most High, our Creator, our Reason, our Lord of Lords, our King of King's, our Soul's lover, our Amazing Grace, our Father, who arts in Heaven, who never let go of our hands, when we thought no one was there. One day we will look back and be reminded that it was all worth it... Nothing was in vain, nothing was worthless, nothing was hopeless... For what is, will be... What comes next will pass, and with God as our center, the devil has no chance at knocking us down completely... he will sucker punch us now and then, but Saint Archangel Michael will get him back for us... We have the most High security through Elohim... Blessed be Adonia... I am thankful for each of you... My life belongs to the Most Holy Trinity... In the name of the Father, Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Mark David Grijalva Peres
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