Tuesday, August 15, 2017

Say No to Division and Yes to Multiplication

I am truly convinced
The devils favorite math subject is division,
Look around, if you don't believe me.
It divided itself from heaven...
It divides us from God to begin with...
Beginning at the garden of Eden...
It divided Cain from Abel...
It divided Lot from his wife,
As she looked back
Becoming a pillar of salt...
It divided us throughout history,
Black, brown, white and all cultures...
It divides us to cause hate and war
It divides us from ourselves
Losing touch from who
God created us to be,
As we confirm to Sin,
Thinking it is OK...
The devil is a master of division...
Even within the church...
Because we all claim to be different,
Yet, in God's eyes
We are all the same...
Even then it divides our thoughts
From the love of God...
And then we blame God for everything...
But the amazing thing is,
Through Christ Jesus,
It's division is a farce...
Jesus's life, death, and resurrection
Defeated it's division...
Subtracting us from sin,
Adding life and multilping us
To do greater things...
It started in fractions
Based on our willingness to follow
The path created for us...
To eventually becoming a whole...
So that division it tries so hard
Is a lie... A farce... A spoof...
What is sad, so many still believe it...
As they do some many other irrelevant things...
God forgive us, as Abraham advocated
For Sodom and Gomorrah... So must we too pray
For our Sodom and Gomorrah world...
Just as Jesus Christ humbly died to the end
We too must die to our flesh,
Over and over again...
To rise from the deafness we carry
On on flesh called sin...
The death of Jesus Christ
Was only the beginning of eternal life,
Imagine what it can be for us all
Who will stop believing in the devils lies
Of division.
Lord hear our prayers
Jesus lead us home
Holy Spirit strengthen us
Blessed Mother pray for us
Saints in Heaven intercede
Arch Angels and angels protect us
For we are weakening more and more each day
By the lies in the media
By the snares of the demons
And the division of the devils lies.

Mark David Grijalva Peres

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