Saturday, March 18, 2017

Born to Die... But Live In between.

When Yeshua asked in prayer
If this cup could be passed...
He knew what the answer was,
And still obeyed...
He did not fuss or pout,
He did sweat blood tho...
So why do we get so twisted,
When we pray
And things don't go our way?
Think about the life of Yeshua..
Our Savior, born to die.
Yes, both you and I
Are born to die as well,
Between those two points,
We are to live...
Knowing what was promised
From the first breath
Breathed into our lungs...
There is no reason
For us to live in misery...
There is no reason
For us to envy...
There is no reason
For us to sin...
For sin is where
We lose His promise,
We lose His mercy,
We lose His grace...
So stop it now
And repent from our ways
Show Him you can
And He will fulfill
His promises now
And those to come
Within you and around you.

Glory be to God.

Mark David Grijalva Peres

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