Saturday, January 14, 2017

God is not a debate

God... who is God? Surely He is not a subject from a text book to be debated... He is not someone you stand against as candidates do on presidential races... God is God... He created the Heavens, the planets, the Earth we reside on, the creatures of the land, the air we breathe, the waters we drink while it refreshed us, our minds that think, the heart that pumps blood within us, the movements our bodies take, the love we share amongst our world... He created you, our families, our children, our loved ones, our friends, our enemies, our neighbors, them and me... God is not a debatable subject... He is our everything... He gave us Yeshua... so we would no longer die in our sins and be bound to hell...

Yeshua, You are my King, our King... You are our Saviour, You came, You saw, and You conquered. You went to hell and back for them, us and me. You reign forevermore... Your Father, My Father, is not to be debated... Be Our Shepherd... be our guide... help us see You for whom You are. And thank You for leaving us Your Holy Spirit...

Holy Spirit... you are so sweet... you are our gift... fill us with God's grace, mercy, strength, wisdom, love and life. Thank you for being within us... help us to be closer to God through Yeshua...

My precious Blessed Mother Mary...  embrace your children... we are fighting over things like stubborn children would... we are debating our Holy Father like rebellious teens... embrace those challenged souls and help us become more like the One whom you birthed for our  salvation... you were obedient, you were the first Christian to follow your Son, our Saviour. You saw Him birth into our world, grow up, follow God's will for His life, minister to us all, die a bloody death, rise again and now you are with Him... praying for us all. Pray for us blessed Mother Mary...

We were created to live in His love...  God gave us life, not strife. Praise Him, worship Him, Love Him, and Follow Him through His Son's life, example and guidance. Allow the Holy Spirit to fill your life with God's grace.

Father, I know you love me... You created me... You gifted me with breath... help me never to doubt You, but praise and worship You with every day of my life.


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