Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Chocolate Covered Poison

Vivid imaginations...
Instruments clashing...
Words expressing...
And the whispers within
Dance thoroughly in our heads
Creations by individuals
Playing for the masses
While new generations pick up
Their instruments and play along
Mixing in the new with the past
To bring more and more
Of what we have been hearing
For oh, so long... the music flows
Changing lives... giving some hope
While others lament to the heart breaking ballads
Created by heart felt emotions
While there are devotions
Words of praise and worship
They raise their voices as a whole
To drown out the negative vibes
Created by some that have lost their way...
The tunes never end... the imaginative ways
They never cease to amaze...
Yet we must wonder how and why
So many use such gifts and grace
To disgrace the human race...
Freedom of speech... but what do we teach
While vivid imaginations 
Mix with instruments clashing
And the words expressing 
Cause the whispers in our heads
To dance into places 
We never thought possible,
Yet forbidden... but accepted...
Because the masses say so...
But what do we know?
It's only music... nothing worth looking into
Or perhaps candy coated poison
Mixed with mouth watering chocolate sprinkles...
Slowly drifting many into places
We were not created to indulge in.

Mark David Grijalva Peres

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