Saturday, October 21, 2017

Feeling It

To feel
Is to know
That one
Is still alive...
Even if one feels
As they are living dead...
The process of thoughts
Sent by your body
Are the feelings
That make you part
Of the living world around you.
Another words...
Until there in no breath
Then there is no life.
Life is full of feelings
And many times
Our emotions
Get the best of us,
Leaving us high as the sky
With cheer and satisfaction
Or enraged and saddened...
Filled with disbelief.
We cannot not blame another
For our feelings of joy
Or for our feelings of sorrow...
Just as we choose our choices
On what we will eat from the menu
Of our favorite restaurant...
So it is with the menu
Of feelings within our life...
Yet we are prone to blame another
Shame another...
And victimize our very own self.
If we were just as proactive to see
What was really there in front of us
So many would make different paths
Or would they?
Who can truly explain the feelings
We spiral through?
Regardless of this or that...
You are alive
You are not dead...
Numb at times,
But by choice...
With choice not to
Feel what makes our feelings,
Our emotions twirl into grief...
Which through experience
Leads closer to death
Than the gift of life given to live.

Thoughts Upon Thoughts
Mark Grijalva Peres

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