Friday, October 6, 2017

Prayer of Love to You

Thank You Lord for giving me this love... let me never fail her... my family or friends... let this love You give be pure in my heart and into her life, as You know I see her as my wife... but I pray for the day to look at my hand with wedding ring and into her eyes and call her my beloved bride, as I want to be part of the bride for Yeshua... to my four children who acknowledge me even though I may not be the best father... or be their biological father... let me be a guide at some point, their fortress and strength... and to my family and friends; some near others far away... I pray for us all to be who God made us to be... some we still talk... others due to time and beliefs have torn us apart, but I consider you all brothers and sisters through the blood of Christ Jesus... be it we be blood related or not be blood related, we are who we are to one another... that is why I humbly repeat what this quote from the picture below states, but edited:

God's Agape Love for us never fails
Peoples version of love based on their upbringing, painful experiences, wrong motives, and religious beliefs tend to fail one another through their definition of love.

Let us let God's truth be the center of our love for one another and let go of senseless stigmas of what love is and what love is not.

God loves me!
God loves you!
God loves us all!

Mark David Grijalva Peres

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