Monday, October 2, 2017

He Will Be Your Glue

The shattering sound 
Of your own heart
Like dishes on the kitchen floor
Cause the life lived to halt
No matter how strong one is...
Each piece right before your eyes
All over the place...
While people watch,
Some try to pick up the pieces
Others laugh as you squander
Endlessly on the floor
Carefully trying to pick up
Each and every little piece...
Some people spend their whole life
Looking for their pieces
Hoping someone will come
Come to their rescue and heal them...
But if we could only pick ourselves
From off the floor and see Yeshua
Standing right next to us...
We would see how he is holding your heart
In His loving arms...
A new heart as white as pure snow...
No more squandering on the floor
Waiting for someone to save you
From the pain endured...
Stand up and accept your new heart
Letting go of the shattered pieces
That you hold so dear
While they cut through your hands...
Bleeding without cease...
Yeshua lived, was broken, He died...
He rose  and lives for us to this day.
Let us rise from our pain
Let us rise from our demise
Let us rise and live with His love for us.

Mark David Grijalva Peres
Copyright ©️✝️2016MDGP

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